完善 的翻譯 中文(简体)-英語詞典 to improve an idea, method, system, etc. by making small changes: Engineers spent many months refining the software. 工程师们花了数月来完善这个软件。 If ideas, opinions, etc. mature, they reach an advanced or developed state.: It took several years for her ideas to mature. 她。 See more
字詞:登時,注音:ㄉㄥ ㄕˊ,釋義:1.當時。《詩經.周頌.小毖》:「肇允彼桃蟲拚飛維鳥。」唐.孔穎達.正義:「王意以管蔡流言為小罪,恨不登時誅之。」《紅樓夢》第三 回:「登時眾丫頭聽見王夫人醒了,都忙進來。」 2.立刻。《北齊書.卷三九.列傳 ...
As mentioned above, the cycle first started to be used for indicating years during the Han dynasty, but it also can be used to indicate earlier years retroactively. Since it repeats, by itself it cannot specify a year without some other information, but it is frequently used with the Chinese era name (年号, 年號; niánhào) to specify a year. The year starts with the new year of whoever is using the calendar. In China, the cyclic year normally changes on the Chinese Lunar New Year. In Japan。
額頭高而飽滿的人早年的運勢非常好,相反,如果一個人的額頭扁平,欠缺福氣,早年運勢差,可能代表了家庭條件不好,從小便需要爲生活奔波。 ... |下巴面相|高底眉面相|捧場紋面相|倒及牙哨牙面相|女人有錢面相|。
古代讲7尺男儿的”7尺”相当于现在的多少厘米? ... ”汉 刘向《说苑·辨物》:“度量衡以黍生之为一分,十分为一寸,十寸为一尺。”《水浒传》第八四回:“原来那 天山勇,马上惯使漆抹弩,一尺。